Do you need help talking to the children in your life about puberty, sexual health, relationships, consent, gender, sexuality and much more? Are you a caregiver, parent, guardian, or a cool adult who young people look up to? Check out the links below for tips to start the “birds & bees” talk and keep the conversation going! Being an “askable adult” and helping kids feel comfortable coming to you if they have questions or need help, can be easier with these resources, websites and step by step guides. Make sure the next time you get the question “where do babies come from?” you are ready with an accurate and age-appropriate answer.
It's more than just "The Talk". We are here to help!
See how other parents do it!
- Parents Explain [series of videos]
All Ages
- Children, Teens and the Media: Things to think about
- The Talk from Tots to Teens: A parent’s guide for talking to your child about sexual health and well-being
- Books about Bodies, Relationships and Sexual Health for Children, Teens, Parents and Educators
- The Importance of Language in Early Childhood
- Teaching Consent and Boundaries in Early Childhood
- It’s Easier Than You Think: Talking to your children about sexual health and well-being
- Ted Talk: Julia Sweeney has “The Talk”
- Website: A Mighty Girl – Books, Toys and Movies for Smart, Courageous Girls
- Tips for Parents: Talking to your children about sex
- Communication Quiz for Parents of Teens
- Understanding Your Teen’s First Love
Understanding Your Own Values
- Thinking about your values regarding sexuality and your children
- Values Clarification Exercise
- Sex Education is Life Education
Background Information
When your kids are learning from a hashtag: How to talk about consent in the #metoo era
Let's Talk Porn - Tips for talking about porn with your kids
Chances are high your child will be exposed to porn at some point. Most young people are curious about sex and if they are not getting honest and accurate information at school or from you as their caregiver, they might seek information out online. This will lead to many young people finding porn, either intentionally or accidentally. Recent estimates are saying 53% of 11-16 year olds have seen porn or explicit material online, and nearly all (94%) had seen it by age 14. It can be difficult to shield young people from seeing this material as it is everywhere. So, if they have already seen it, what do you do next as parents? Here are some tips and tricks:
Deconstructing Porn and Understanding Reality – this article helps you talk about reality vs. acting, gender roles in porn, unrealistic body image and much more!
Your kid came out to you - what's next?
- Discussing Gender: The Genderbread Person
- Discussing Gender: The Gender Unicorn
- WRDSB Policy on Trans Inclusion
- Being Safe, Being Me Report – results from trans youth all across Canada, support & needs
- Website: PFLAG – helping Canadians with issues of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression
- Website: OK2BME – Support for LGBTQ kids, teens, adults and families
- Website: Who Are You? The Kids Guide to Gender Identity.
Think your teen might be sexting? Here's what to do...
- Website: Media Smarts – Canada’s Centre for Digital and Media Literacy
- Amaze Video – Sexting