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Resource Map

Map of Services in Waterloo Region and Surrounding Areas

Use the arrow icon on the top left of the map to filter results. Use the rectangle icon in the top right to view the fullscreen map.

Map Legend

2SLGBTQIA+ Specific Resources
Resources, services, and spaces that offer inclusive and affirming support to members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

BIPOC Specific Resources
Resources, services, and spaces that are inclusive and tailored to members of the BIPOC community.

Breast/Chest Feeding Resources
Resources and services including support groups and clinical settings for breast/chest feeding folks to assist with and address challenges.

Child Gear and Accessories
Stores and organizations providing children’s clothing and accessories at low to no cost.

Counselling Services
Educational and support groups for parents as well as organizations offering counselling support services with some low cost options.

Food Security and Housing Support
Services, resources, and organizations dedicated to providing food and housing support to low income individuals and families.

Harm Reduction Resources
(Addiction and Substance Use)
Listing various resources for addiction and substance use support.

Indigenous Specific Resources
Resources, services, and spaces that are inclusive and tailored to members of the Indigenous community.

Midwifery and Doula Services
Doulas and Midwifery service providers.

Obstetric, Gynecology, and Fertility Services
Obstetricians/Gynecologists (OBGYN) and fertility services.

Parenting and Family Support
Services and resources that provide parenting and family support.

Prenatal Support and Education
Groups and resources offering education for soon to be parents and pregnant people.

Sexual Health Resources
(Birth Control, STI Testing, Abortion Care)
Resources for sexual health and education including abortion care, contraception, and STI testing.

Walk-in Clinics
Medical care for people who do not have a primary care provider.


This map is an interactive community project. To request that your service be added, please email

Last Update May 2023

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