SHORE Centre offers evidence-based, up-to-date, comprehensive sexual health education. Our programs follow the Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education produced by the Public Health Agency of Canada. These guidelines aim to improve sexual health outcomes including self-esteem, safety and pleasure, while reducing negative outcomes such as unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections and harmful relationships.
These improved outcomes are reached by following three key elements: Information, Motivation & Behaviour, known together as the IMB Model. This model highlights the fact that simply providing people with information is not enough to encourage change, and that information must be followed by encouraging motivation and behavioural skills to be effective. Often this model is implemented with activity-based lessons.
We are committed to providing programs that:
• Focus on harm reduction and prevention of unplanned pregnancies, STIs, sexual assault and unhealthy relationships.
• Provide accurate, up-to-date evidence based information.
• Include activities that address social pressures that influence sexual behaviour.
• Provide opportunities for participants to practice skills associated with communication, negotiation, and refusal skills.
• Are interactive whenever possible to encourage personalization of the information provided.
• Are age appropriate in the manner of delivery, content, stated outcomes and sexual experience of the participants.
• Are sensitive to age, culture, ethnicity, racial identity, faith, ability, gender and orientation.
• Supplement education happening in the school and home, and generate dialogue between parents/caregivers and their children.

Accurate and inclusive Sexual Health Workshops for all ages delivered in schools and with local community groups.
Peer Theatre Education, an interactive play for youth around sexual health and relationships.
Just4Me, an 8 week youth program delivered in schools and community centres.
Sex-Ability, a program for youth and adults with developmental disabilities.
Newcomer Health Programs provided in several languages around family planning and healthy relationships.