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I Will Stand

Kayla Hat

Kayla Orr, Client Support Coordinator, SHORE Centre

Written by Kayla Orr, Client Support Coordinator, SHORE Centre

Today is January 17th and I am driving Jenny* to her abortion appointment. This is the second of three appointments because her pregnancy is in the second trimester. Together we will travel 2 hours and 9 minutes outside of our city. The drive is usually shorter, but not today. Today, there is freezing rain and there are accidents causing delays on our route.

Today I have brought with me the materials I need to knit a hat – not just any hat – a pink hat with cat ears. A #pussyhat.

This hat is not a fashion statement. This hat is a political statement.

In three days, the same number of days it will have taken to complete Jenny’s abortion, the 45th president of the United States will be inaugurated. A president who is on record saying that women who have abortions should be punished.

On January 21st, I will wear my newly created hat in protest of a president who blatantly disrespects women. In protest of a government that intends to pass laws which could make it impossible for women like Jenny to have an abortion.

On January 21st, I will stand.
I will stand with Planned Parenthood.
I will stand with women.
I will stand with you.

On January 22nd, I will continue to stand. I will return to work as a pregnancy options counsellor. I will continue to volunteer and donate to organizations that promote access to reproductive health care. I will drive another woman to her medical appointment.

This hat, knit in the parking lot of an abortion clinic, is more than a hat.

This hat is solidarity.
This hat is justice.
This hat is respect.
This hat is access.
This hat is action.

This hat is the symbol of a revolution.

*Name changed

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